Monday, January 16, 2012


I deleted the posts on my board.  All of them.  The reason I did that is because this weekend I took a step and really thought of the word "Purpose."

Purpose is defined as the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. (

What is my purpose? Although I thought it would be a fun outlet for women to play around and create outfits, I thought to myself, "What purpose is this bringing to God?" Not only what was God's purpose in my blog, but what purpose was I serving to help other women which is my passion?

  God gives each one of us unique gifts.  Some gifts are in the arts,  some are finances, some are just with developing relationships and some are sharing or teaching.  Some gifts are marketable like creating beautiful objects that bring people happiness and some gifts are quiet, creating a warm and inviting home for their family and friends.  The point is ALL women have gifts.

Some women spend much of their time thinking they have no gifts, but that couldn't be further from the truth.  The problem is not that they missed that blessing from God, but perhaps they view their own talents in light of others  abilities and short change themselves. They see a talented crafty woman with hundreds of followers on their blog, a book deal and booming business and think, I can do that.  They try and try, but it might not be their calling and they get frustrated, spending much time and so much energy chasing after an idea that they want to follow the success of some one else.  They can't!  No two people were created a like.  No two people have the same collection of skills and so there is no A-B-C to finding your purpose on  your own.

Really understanding yourself is a matter of discovering who you are in Christ.  When you stop looking in this world for your gifts and are thankful for all things that you are and do, Christ will reveal your purpose.

Personally, this is a something I've been spending a lot of time recently devoted to, finding and honing my God given gifts.  I know that he is leading me down the right path.  I know this because I have a burning and all consuming need to keep looking.  Also, as I practice and talk to others and share my passion doors have begun to open in very surprising places.

Self discovery is a journey.  It changes and evolves with time.  As each new challenge or opportunity presents itself we discover, often, something new about us.  A strength we never knew, a desire that is newly formed.  This blog is me; multifaceted, ever-changing and honest, a little depth mixed with spirit and silliness.  I hope you enjoy.



  1. When I was young I wanted to be like my best friend, Leona. She was strong, outspoken, determined, willing to fight for a cause (even if it was to save an abandoned litter of kittens, or come to the aid of family in need); willing to be an evANGEList or fight for the cause. I prayed for God to show me my mission. Then one day he whispered in my gift was to encourage others, to be a good listener, to be a mother, teacher. I stopped searching and started living for Christ...I finally felt peace. I realized living my life each day and trusting God to use my gifts for his good works was my mission.

    1. Strength comes in all forms. Quiet strength is a blessing from God. Thank you for sharing.
